

家居装修设计网2019-07-29 15:18
The artist house was a fully decoration project of a small penthouse at Baix Guinardó, neighborhood in Barcelona. In the living room the most important feature was to maximize the light of the space w

The artist house was a fully decoration project of a small penthouse at Baix Guinardó, neighborhood in Barcelona. In the living room the most important feature was to maximize the light of the space with bright and luminous colors such as mustard yellow and whites mixed with earth tones, such as terracotta. Also we incorporate the client's style by using ethnic pillows and rug and decoration from their trips to Asia. Some of the furniture were bought in antiquaries and second and free markets to enhance the eclectic style of the house.

这个顶层小公寓项目是一个以软装为主的项目,位于巴塞罗那附近的城市Baix Guinardó,业主是一位艺术家。图中客厅最直观的特点是空间的明亮感——我们用了明亮色调进行搭配,比如芥末黄、白色,并混搭一些陶土色。此外,设计师还结合了业主的风格喜好,使用带有民族地域风格的靠包和地毯,以及他们亚洲之旅时淘到一些装饰品。还有一部分的家具的搭配是之前业主从古董店和二手店购买的,这种混搭提升了空间新旧折衷的搭配格调——这不正是生活的趣味与延续。

The big mustard sofa was bought in antique shop, so you can see the pass of time. Clients like furniture that tells stories, that`s why we choose this model nut with a fully removable fabric. To have a complete decor we have a Bertoia chair, a triptych blade from the Danish design company Firm Living and a Beni Ourain rug.

这件黄芥末色的转角沙发是从古董店购买的,你可以看到上面时间流逝的痕迹。而且沙发用的是可拆卸面料的制作形式,方便业主日后更换,诉说不同时期心情与故事。为了搭配一个客厅的围合感,我们选用了一把设计师贝尔托亚设计的经典金属网椅子,以及一块Beni Ourain摩洛哥几何样式的手工打结羊毛地毯。

Even the cat wanted to pose for us! :)



In the dining room we have a decapé old mirror, a very big cupboard with brass handles and an extendable tables which is very practical, since this couple loves to give big dinner parties to their friends.




The bedrooms at this flat are really small, so they are used only for sleep or contemplate the sea. Yes, you can see the sea from the big window, there is the cat is looking! ;)






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汽车品牌MINI进驻,西班牙设计师Jaime Hayón跨刀大展设计力!
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