

家居装修设计网2019-03-01 17:55
接天莲叶,不仅是图案巧妙的排列组合,更带来了无穷的碧色。  Lotus leaves, not only are the artful arrangement and combination of pattern, but also present infinite color of blue.  映日荷花,不仅是构图完美的平面设计,更蕴含了别样的红色。  Shining lotus, not o


  Lotus leaves, not only are the artful arrangement and combination of pattern, but also present infinite color of blue.


  Shining lotus, not only is the  perfect composition of graphic design, but also contains a different red.


  When nature gives elaborate structure and inspiration of modelling to designers, it offers the most attracting color at the same time.

  从颜色、图案和形状中获得的灵感,并让它们轻松共存于布料之上,这一系列的探寻过程激发了帕梅拉对面料研发的热情。身为Bella Home的首席设计师,帕梅拉在家纺布艺设计领域有近40年的工作经验,她对色彩、花型和纹理有执着的追求和独特见解,是国际色彩流行趋势的顶级研究专家。

  Inspired by colors, patterns and shapes, and making them coexist easily on the fabric Pamela's passion for the development of fabric was sparked by the process of the seeking . As the chief designer of Bella Home, Pamela boasts nearly 40 years of experience in the field of home textile design. She has been persistently pursuing and embraces unique views on colors, patterns and textures, and is the top expert in the international trend of color.


  Pamela respects the authenticity and simplicity of the relationship between nature and human beings and has a deep passion for patterns  existing in nature. Through dialogue with the natural world, Pamela redesigns the color and patterns deriving from daily life and all natural things into textile fabrics by pure and direct methods, and excellently applies them to home life, making the fabric furniture glow with advanced sense of beauty under the environment-friendly fabrics.

  巧木为骨,面料为衣,贝拉之家Bella Home就是布艺家具最顶级的“换衣间”,身为专业生产机织沙发面料的全球制造及销售企业,它以一流的品质、独树一帜的设计和国际权威环保认证,在国际上,特别是欧美布艺家具行业中享有很高的声誉。

  Wood for bone opportunely, fabrics for garments, Bella Home is top "fitting room" of home textile furniture. As a global professional manufacturer and seller of woven sofa fabric, it enjoys a high reputation in the home textile furniture industry of the world, especially Europe and the United States with the first-class quality, unique design and international authoritative environmental protection certification.


  Today, fabric sofas are witnessing the trend of becoming the next tuyere in the home industry. In the living room of a noble bachelor, the sofa is not only a fashion or trend, but also a kind of self-recognition; in the living room of the Little Sun House (both couples and the next generation), the fabric sofa is not only a comfortable rely, but also a happy atmosphere; In the public space of the new-generation office building, the fabric sofa is not only the embodiment of brand culture, but also the medium of inspiration communication.


  As the soul of the fabric sofa - the fabric not only conveys personality and emotion, but also shows its visually unlimited aesthetic perception. The effective combination of fabric and color not only greatly enhances the comfort and environmental protection of upholstered furniture, but also magnifies the charm of residential space decoration in the furniture field. Fabric color has become an important part of the home product when consumers realize that they can quickly change the environment of the home by changing the outerwear of the furniture.

  当下的中国,没有哪个时代比现在更重视专业的色彩搭配和潮流趋势的响应,普通的大众已经越来越能够轻松地识别并愿意追随珊瑚红、莫兰迪色系等显而易见的潮流色。那么作为企业的研发体系,如何在面料技术上深入塑造才能给市场带去更具附加值的产品——这正是帕梅拉及她身后的Bella Home可以带给我们的价值。

  In today’s China, no era has paid more attention to professional color matching and trend response than the present. The general public has been able to easily identify and willing to follow the obvious trend colors such as coral red and Morandi color. Therefore, as a company's R&D system, how to further develop the fabric technology in order to bring more value-added products to the market – this is the value that Pamela and Bella Home behind her can bring us.

  对国际软装流行趋势的把控,无疑是手持色彩解码的钥匙,开启家具设计情感意境大门。如何将色彩语言、面料技术、家具设计进行更深层次的结合,是构建软体家具情感品质的关键。金汐奖向美国知名面料供应商Bella Home及其面料专家帕梅拉抛出橄榄枝,是让行业看到下一个时期的材料技术作为审美力和驱动力,即将发挥至关重要的作用。当企业能够敏锐的察觉到面料设计的力量,软体家具的发展才会呈现出无限可能。

  Understanding the international popular trend of soft decoration is undoubtedly the key to  decoding handheld color and opening the door to emotional sentiment of furniture design. How to combine color language, fabric technology and furniture design in a deeper level is the key to constructing the emotional quality of upholstered furniture. The GOtrend which presents an olive branch to the famous American fabric supplier – Bella Home and its fabric expert – Pamela is to let the industry see the material technology works as the aesthetic power and driving force in the next period, which will play a vital role. When companies are keenly aware of the power of fabric design, the development of upholstered furniture will be infinite.


  At present, the international traditional pattern of upholstered furniture has been broken in. In view of international development trend, what we need is new technology, new trend and new materials. In the 34th International Furniture Exhibition in Shenzhen, we hope that the arrival of Pamela can bring the international color trend and fabric research and development and design to the stage of Chinese upholstered furniture, so that furniture enterprises will no longer blindly follow the market trend, but to lead the market trend, and truly achieve the consumption upgrade of Chinese home furnishings market.


  In march of this year, the platform of GOtrend will be "sparkling", let us follow the steps of color development of upholstered furniture, enter this pageant of blooming flowers, let the color render the blueprint of furniture in the future, and witness the infinite possibilities of upholstered furniture!


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