

家居装修设计网2024-12-17 14:19
意大利设计品牌Delvis携手PREWORK联合呈现的群展“家养型泰坦”(Domestic Titan),于12月13日在Delvis上海(思南路)旗舰展厅盛大开幕。 The group exhibition "Domestic Titan," jointly presented by the Italian design brand Delvis and PREWORK, grandly ope

意大利设计品牌Delvis携手PREWORK联合呈现的群展“家养型泰坦”(Domestic Titan),于12月13日在Delvis上海(思南路)旗舰展厅盛大开幕。

The group exhibition "Domestic Titan," jointly presented by the Italian design brand Delvis and PREWORK, grandly opened on December 13th at the Delvis Shanghai flagship showroom on Sinan Road.




Inspired by the famous quote from philosopher Emanuele Coccia,quote: "Plants are 'domestic titans' capable of creating new worlds without violence," the exhibition brings together the masterpieces of artists Su Jiaxi, Jia Hui, Li Hainan, and Gao Wenqian. Through various forms of art, such as painting, sculpture, installation, and video, the exhibition explores the roles and symbolisms of plants in home spaces, inviting the public to examine the intertwined relationship between nature and human life.






开幕当天,众多艺术和设计行业的媒体及知名设计师汇聚一堂,共同领略自然界中最具韧性的泰坦巨兽。Delvis品牌设计与产品开发部执行副总裁Gianluca Cozzarolo亲临现场,并与参展艺术家贾卉进行了艺术与设计的交流互动。

On the opening day, numerous media representatives from the art and design industries, along with renowned designers, gathered to witness the most resilient titans of nature. Gianluca Cozzarolo, Delvis Executive Vice President of Design, attended the event and engaged in an exchange of ideas on art and design with participating artist Jia Hui.


*Delvis品牌设计与产品开发部执行副总裁Gianluca Cozzarolo (中)

作为在威尼斯诞生的品牌,Delvis的创始人Stefano Del Vecchio既是设计师,也是热衷于艺术收藏的鉴赏家。每一款Delvis产品的设计,都是对艺术美学的深刻诠释。流畅的线条、色彩的搭配和材质的选择,无不体现品牌对美的独特见解。

Delvis founder, Stefano Del Vecchio, is an enthusiastic conteporary art collector. Each Delvis product design is a profound interpretation of artistic aesthetics. Shapes, color combinations, and material selections all reflect the brand's unique insight into beauty.


The organizers have carefully selected a series of artworks for this exhibition. These pieces not only complement the elegant architecture of the Delvis Shanghai showroom but also harmonize perfectly with Delvis's products. The synergy between art, design, and the home environment allows guests to appreciate art while experiencing the intimate connection between design and life.







Delvis sincerely invites you to immerse yourself in this journey of art and design exploration, inspiring deeper reflections on the nature of life and the art of living.

about .Delvis

Delvis——国际家具与室内设计品牌,于1984年在其创始人Stefano Del Vecchio的渴望下诞生于意大利,身为设计师的他同时也是一位环球旅行者及艺术收藏家,他致力于通过与公司团队以及年轻意大利设计师之间的实验性合作,探索新的解决方案。Delvis不断从设计文化中汲取养分,塑造出“激情、愿景和品质”的品牌价值观,通过熟练的工艺,将皮革、大理石、木材、金属等优质材料,转化为具有高度艺术价值的家具,其品类涉及沙发、床具、椅子、桌子和配件等,对细节的精益求精令每件Delvis的家具都与众不同,诠释了意大利精致的生活方式。


Studio.Delvis工作室是设计师、室内建筑师和造型师的融合体。在共同愿景的指引下,大家因一种创造性的热情而融合在一起,在工作中发现每一面的美,创造出与心灵共鸣的特殊产品和空间。Delvis结合了艺术与设计,创造了新的产品系列,并因此达到了只有艺术和设计相互融合才能传达出的表现力。这是一次跨越意大利土地的旅程,贯穿着创造力、想象力、思想、创意、文化,Mind in Italy于是变成为一个无边无界的空间,并融入到产品的品质、传递的风格以及“专有知识”之中,这是典型的意大利丰富知识遗产,蕴含在品牌的回忆和文化精髓里。

Delvis is an international furniture and interior design company founded in Udine in 1984 by Stefano Del Vecchio, art collector and designer, who has always invested in research and quality by exploring new solutions through experimental collaborations between the company and young Italian designers who are able to combine the group's spirit and culture. The Delvis collections express the sophisticated Italian lifestyle, the result of a design culture that draws on the past while looking to the future. 

Delvis is a project based on an exceptional wealth of technical knowledge, boundless passion and meticulous attention to every detail to make each piece a unique masterpiece. Furniture and interior design pieces with a timeless, borderless that expresses a way of living as well as furnishing. An attitude towards the spaces around us that is both sophisticated and spontaneous, constantly striving for beauty and authenticity, creating sensations that speak the language of nature and art, telling an ever-evolving story. 

Studio.Delvis stands as a collective of designers, interior architects, and stylists. We are united by a creative passion to discover beauty in every facet of our work, crafting exceptional items and spaces that resonate with our hearts and souls. Delvis is one step closer to a form of creative expression that only art and design combined together are capable of conveying. Collections are a journey across Italy, through creativity, imagination, thought, ideas, culture: a space without boundaries. All of this is transferred into the product quality, communication style and tradition of unique craftmanship for which Italy is known, where its wealth of shared knowledge and the essence of its culture lies.



展期:2024年12月14日 - 2025年2月10日

周一至周日,10AM – 8PM



Exhibition Reservations

Exhibition Period: December 14, 2024 - February 10, 2025

Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday, 10 AM – 8 PM

Exhibition Address: No. 86 Sinan Road, Shanghai, Delvis

Reservation Hotline: +86-13371901527



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网址: “家养型泰坦”开幕|艺术、自然与Delvis的空间对话 http://m.jiajum.com/news-view-id-186700.html
首页>家居资讯> “家养型泰坦”开幕|艺术、自然与Delvis的空间对话