——汤姆·梅恩Thom Mayne
“The models in M3 demonstrate the power of architectural thinking. The reiterative nature of modelmaking not only liberates the design process but also expands our creative ability to collaborate, focus, and ignite ideas.”
——Thom Mayne
汤姆·梅恩和墨菲西斯事务所新著发布:《M3:模型构建作品[档案库] 1972-2022》(Rizzoli 出版)。
Thom Mayne and Morphosis announce the release of their latest monograph M3: modeled works [archive] 1972-2022, published by Rizzoli. Featuring more than 1000 models from the firm’s archive, the book provides a retrospective of five decades of architecture and planning through the lens of Morphosis’ masterful approach to model-making. Models included in the book represent a wide variety of project types and model building techniques, from the iconic paste and paper-board site models for Chiba Golf Club; to fleets of 3d-printed iterative studies for Caltrans District 7 Headquarters; to highly detailed,1:100 scale presentation models of commercial skyscrapers and their urban sites. The survey demonstrates how Morphosis pushes the role of models to become more than simply project deliverables—some models continue to evolve after a building is complete, while others feature experimental overlays of several scales to develop a multi-faceted understanding of a project. Archival data and new studio photography capture each model in detail, including works that have never before been documented.
包括墨菲西斯创始人汤姆·梅恩(Thom Mayne),事务所过去和现任的设计师,以及世界知名的建筑师、设计师、历史学家和评论家,如大卫·阿贾耶(David Adjaye)、安藤忠雄(Tadao Ando)、彼得·库克(Peter Cook)、伊丽莎白·迪勒(Elizabeth Diller)、斯蒂文·霍尔(Steven Holl)、隈研吾(Kengo Kuma)、西尔维娅·拉文(Sylvia Lavin)等。
Alongside the survey of models, M3 includes a running commentary by more than 150 contributors, including the firm’s founder Thom Mayne, current Morphosis designers and alumni, and world-renowned architects, designers, historians, and critics, such as David Adjaye, Tadao Ando, Peter Cook, Elizabeth Diller, Steven Holl, Kengo Kuma, and Sylvia Lavin, among many others. Not only do contributors elaborate upon the impact of Morphosis’s design work and modeling techniques, but also upon on the enduring importance of modelmaking through the radical transition from physical to digital design.
——Robin Donalson
It’s a stunning tour de force, a thousand pages of models, words and memories that inspire every turn of the page.
–Robin Donaldson, contributor
——Craig Hartman
SOM 高级设计合伙人
M3 is an extremely tactile and texturally rich book that conveys its intentions before even opening the cover. But opening it reveals its uniqueness—a beautiful physical object that is intellectually inspiring and rewards close reading like a meaningful work of architecture. And the thread of multiple voices adds enormous richness.
–Craig Hartman, contributor
——Hallie Black
More than a fifty-year studio retrospective, M3 illuminates a total archive under the hot lights of a documentation lab. It’s a love letter to models, their process and concepts, and those that made them.
--- Hallie Black, Editor
汤姆·梅恩是Morphosis(墨菲西斯事务所)的创始人,Morphosis成立于1972年,是一家跨学科的建筑和城市规划事务所。梅恩先生的杰出荣誉包括2005年的普利兹克奖和2013年的美国建筑师协会金奖。2009年-2016年,他担任美国总统艺术与人文委员会委员。1972年,他联合创办了南加州建筑学院;1993年-2019年,他成为加州大学洛杉矶分校的终身教授,并曾在哥伦比亚大学、耶鲁大学、哈佛设计研究生院、伦敦巴特莱特建筑学院和宾夕法尼亚大学担任教职。梅恩先生最近的出版物包括《奇异网络》(Strange Networks,2020,Rizzoli),一本强调他对组合系统探索的专著;以及《M3》(2023,Rizzoli),一本对Morphosis五十年模型的概览。梅恩先生的学术研究在他于Morphosis的个人艺术研究空间Stray Dog Café中继续,他在那里领导一个由年轻设计师和学生组成的团队,从事研究项目、艺术品创作和记录其创作成果的出版物开发。旧金山现代艺术博物馆(SFMOMA)、现代艺术博物馆(MoMA)和芝加哥艺术学院等机构收藏了他整个职业生涯中的艺术品和作品。
About Thom Mayne
Thom Mayne is founding partner of Morphosis, an interdisciplinary and collective architecture and planning practice established in 1972. Mayne’s distinguished honors include the Pritzker Prize (2005) and the American Institute of Architects Gold Medal (2013). He served on the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities from 2009–2016. In 1972, he cofounded the Southern California Institute of Architecture. Mayne was a tenured professor at UCLA from 1993-2019 and has held teaching positions at Columbia, Yale, the Harvard Graduate School of Design, the Bartlett School of Architecture in London, and the University of Pennsylvania. Recent publications include Strange Networks (2020, Rizzoli), a monograph highlighting his exploration of combinatory systems, and M3 (2023, Rizzoli), a survey of fifty years of models at Morphosis. This investigation continues at Stray Dog Café, Mayne’s personal art and research space at Morphosis, where he leads a team of young designers and students on research projects, the creation of artworks, and the development of publications that document their creative output. SFMOMA, MoMA, and The Art Institute of Chicago, among others, hold artworks and produced throughout his career.
Morphosis(墨菲西斯事务所)是一所国际化的建筑设计事务所,致力于创造设计创新、执行务实、建筑语汇强劲有力的标志性建筑。在过去50多年的时间里,墨菲西斯在城市、建筑、设计三方交互的实践中,完成了不同类型和尺度的项目,包括住宅、商业、公共建筑、文化机构、教育设施、大型城市综合体和城市规划项目。秉持着合同协作的建筑实践理念,合伙人埃尼·艾默生(Arne Emerson)、李昂洙(Ung-Joo Scott Lee)、布兰登·威灵(Brandon Welling)、李宜声(Eui-Sung Yi),与创始人兼普利兹克奖得主汤姆·梅恩(Thom Mayne)合作,领导超过80位工作在洛杉矶、纽约、上海、首尔和迪拜的专业设计团队。Morphosis 的设计根植于精益求精的项目研究,和千锤百炼的实验性创造,优先考虑项目在自然环境、人文社会和经济领域所能带来的影响,并以此为依据推动设计过程。同时,通过Morphosis麾下的研究机构Now Institute(当代规划研究院), 事务所与各高校学术领域紧密联系,在城市流动性、城市复兴、可持续发展、公共策略和社区扩展等当下亟需解决的社会议题上,提供独特的见解和设计策略。
About Morphosis
Morphosis is a global architecture and planning firm, creating compelling work that is intelligent, pragmatic, and powerful. For more than 50 years, Morphosis has practiced at the intersection of architecture, urbanism, and design, working across a broad range of project types and scales, including civic, academic, cultural, commercial, retail, residential, and mixed-use; urban master plans; and original publications, objects, and art. Committed to the practice of architecture as a collaborative enterprise, Partners Arne Emerson, Ung-Joo Scott Lee, Brandon Welling, and Eui-Sung Yi lead a team of more than 80 in Los Angeles, New York, Dubai, Seoul, and Shanghai, in collaboration with founder and Pritzker Prize-winning architect Thom Mayne. At the root of all Morphosis projects is a focus on rigorous research and innovation, prioritizing performance-driven design that is environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable. Through its research arm, The Now Institute, the firm collaborates with academic institutions to create design-based solutions for the pressing issues of the day, from mobility, urban revitalization, and sustainability to public policy, planning, and community outreach.
书名:M3: 模型构建作品[档案库]1972-2022
图书尺寸:9.5 x 6.5(英寸)
ISBN-13: 978-0-8478-7275-6
Publication Information
Title: M3: modeled works [archive] 1972-2022
Author: Thom Mayne / Morphosis
Publisher: Rizzoli
Trim Size: 9.5” x 6.5”
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 1,016
ISBN-13: 978-0-8478-7275-6
Publication Date: February 28, 2023
汤姆·梅恩与墨菲西斯建筑事务所新著发布: 《M3:模型构建作品[档案库]1972-2022》
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