米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然

米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然

家居装修设计网2022-11-07 12:13
本全案设计图片均为实景拍摄-  材质搭配参考:  Material matching:  我们认为设计不仅仅是装饰精美的空间。打造房屋而且应该是改变生活的经历,不仅可以教会您喜欢的事物,还可以教会您如何生活。我们认为,作为设计师,我们有责任在此过程中帮助客户-听取他们的需求,发现使他们与众不同的因素,最后将这些独特的品质转化为独特的空间。无论是纯粹的装饰项目,还是全面的内部和外部装修,我们都为设计



  Material matching:

米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然


  We believe that design is not just a beautifully decorated space. Building a house can and should be a life-changing experience. It can teach you not only the things you like, but also how to live. We believe that as designers, we have the responsibility to help customers in this process-listening to their needs, discovering the factors that make them unique, and finally transforming these unique qualities into unique spaces. Whether it is a pure decoration project or a comprehensive interior and exterior decoration, we have brought a unique, approachable, organized and humble quality to the aesthetics and procedural design disciplines of design.

——Noa  Santos

  01 玄关


米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然




  There are details and the texture of life, and different spaces use color to reconcile and echo overlapping with geometric elements, scientific light sources are used; this original lighting problem was used in the hallway.

  Shaped into a new home full of living art atmosphere, it has both the fireworks of life and the sense of high-level artistic atmosphere.

  02 过廊


米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然




  "The square inch of the land also shows the breadth of heaven and earth" leaves blank but does not live in it emptyly, free and balanced, and the relationship between man and space can achieve symbiosis in freedom and balance.

 03 客厅

  Living Room

米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然

米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然

米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然




  The feeling of a ray of afternoon sunshine spilling into the living room, cold and summer, autumn harvest and winter hiding, the breeze is gentle, full of comfort, let people get more relaxation

  04 餐厅

  Dinner Room 

米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然

米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然

米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然




  Only love and food can not be disappointed, a good restaurant, may make the food more delicious can also enhance the feelings of the family, a good restaurant must be both appearance and practicality.

  05 厨房


米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然

米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然




  I like places full of fireworks, and in a familiar environment, cooking the taste of belonging to home will give people an inexplicable sense of belonging.

  06 主卧

  The master bed room

米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然

米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然

米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然



  The log-stitched floor and plain white wall condensation of a quiet and peaceful space shape unique furniture graceful and smooth arc lyric elegant and modern temperament.

  07 次卧

  Secondary bedroom 

米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然

米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然

米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然




  Feel the space like art, the bedroom through the combination of color, materials between the proportion of the change, to create the spatial level and rhythm. From metal to cloth, from leather to stone, the starting and closing room is a careful interpretation of the deep interpretation of space, and there is a sense of fashion in the restrained








米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然




  设计项目 | 御景新世界

  Project Name | YuJingXinShiJie

  空间性质 | 私宅空间

  Spatial properties | Private residential space

  设计单位 | 万物一府设计有限公司

  Design units | WWYF Design Limited

  项目地址 | 辽宁省沈阳市和平区

  Project Location | LIAONING shenyang hepingqu

 设计面积 | 240M²

  Design Area | 240M²

  主创设计 | 米野

  Interior Designer | MiYe

  图纸表现 | 赵佳琪

  Drawing representation | ZhaoJiaQi

  文案编辑 | 万物一府

  Copywriting | WWYF Design



米野作品 | 简约,还原生活本来的样子
专访冷晨辉 小隐于山 大隐于市
奖讯 | 米野荣获时尚礼赞——年度优秀设计师奖
翡冷翠项目预告 | 源于自然 归于未来 西湖香溢府售楼处
置身柏厨家居 遇见中隐美学
采菊“中隐”下 悠然见南山 柏厨家居新品营造中隐生活空间
隐于自然——如何将自然主义引入酒店 | 环球酒店设计之旅第四站报名启动

网址: 米野作品 | 隐于时光 · 归于自然 http://m.jiajum.com/news-view-id-158777.html
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