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净名制作设计 新作 |让世间美好与你环环相扣

家居装修设计网2021-05-17 14:21
新作预告 图: 弗朗西斯科·德·戈雅 《奥苏纳公爵一家》弗朗西斯科·何塞·德·戈雅-卢西恩特斯,出生于西班牙萨拉戈萨,西班牙浪漫主义画派画家。戈雅这幅肖像画是公爵夫妇委托作品中画得最好的,画面呈现了公爵一家的幸福生活。Francesco Jose de Goya lucientes, born in Zaragoza, Spain, is a Spanish romantic


图: 弗朗西斯科·德·戈雅 《奥苏纳公爵一家》

弗朗西斯科·何塞·德·戈雅-卢西恩特斯,出生于西班牙萨拉戈萨,西班牙浪漫主义画派画家。戈雅这幅肖像画是公爵夫妇委托作品中画得最好的,画面呈现了公爵一家的幸福生活。Francesco Jose de Goya lucientes, born in Zaragoza, Spain, is a Spanish romantic painter.Goya's portrait is the best one commissioned by the Duke and his wife. It shows the happy life of the Duke's family.

家是你远在他乡梦中永远的思念,家是你疲惫时休息的港湾,家是亲人之间爱的源泉,家是你事业成功的起点,家是我们永远的爱恋。Home is your eternal yearning in the dream of a distant country, home is the harbor where you rest when you are tired, home is the source of love between relatives, home is the starting point of your career success, home is our eternal love.

恰如今天案例中的一家人,一家四口一猫,温柔的晚风 ,傍晚的晚霞 ,悠扬的琴声,香气四溢的饭菜香, 满载了“厨房有烟火,家里有温暖”的幸福感。Just like the family in today's case, a family of four and a cat, the gentle evening wind, the evening sunset, the melodious sound of the piano, the delicious food, full of the happiness of "fireworks in the kitchen, warmth at home".

法风代表作Representative works of French style

案例以“法式生活”为主题,当代法式风格不再是浮夸奢华的代名词,新法式也不是巴洛克和洛可可,净名团队通过慵懒、舒适及适当的简约、空无的设计来体现某种阶级差异性。The case is based on the theme of "French life". Contemporary French style is no longer a synonym for extravagance, and the new French style is not Baroque and Rococo. The Jingming team reflects some class differences through lazy, comfortable and appropriate simple and empty design.

净名团队提取纯净白为意向元素,全面展示了屋主一家优雅高级的生活方式,着重在细节的雕琢上下功夫。The Jingming team extracted pure white as the intention element, fully demonstrated the elegant and high-grade lifestyle of the owner's family, focusing on the details.

一、客厅living room

本案最大的亮点是中空客厅,挑高空间,不仅能让空间变得更开阔通透,让人心生舒朗之意,还更显空间的大气端庄,展示主人的非凡品位。The biggest highlight of this case is the hollow living room, which can not only make the space more open and transparent, let people feel comfortable, but also show the atmosphere and dignity of the space, and show the extraordinary taste of the host.


The living room is based on pure milk white. The elegant atmosphere flows freely in the space. A little sweet lime green and high-grade gray are added to the soft decoration. While softening the space, the modern space also has a sense of fashion. The calm and tender color makes people feel at ease, presenting a kind of aesthetic taste and ideal life of white paper painting.


A chandelier with unique shape and unique characteristics also adds a lot of points to the living room space, square and round, dynamic and static, showing more style in the interlacing of life and art.

以沙发做隔断,让超大客厅兼具书房和阅读角的功能。Make partition with sofa, make the super large living room have the function of study and reading angle.

家的核心地带不仅有温暖的家庭氛围,同时还弥漫着浓浓的书香气。The core of the home is not only a warm family atmosphere, but also filled with a strong aroma of books.


坐在餐桌前好好吃饭,既是对自己的款待,也是在快节奏生活中与家人沟通感情的最佳场景。Sitting at the dinner table and having a good meal is not only a treat for yourself, but also the best scene to communicate with your family in a fast-paced life.

采光度极佳的餐厅更彰显屋主对高品质的生活的追求,为家人营造出令人愉悦的用餐环境。The restaurant with excellent daylighting highlights the owner's pursuit of high-quality life and creates a pleasant dining environment for his family.



The space and design of the master bedroom, the control of color by the Jingming team, still adopts pure white as the main color guiding element.

净名团队在主卧顶面、立面的设计手法均采用法式当代风格,呈现沉静理智。与柔软舒适的床品软装相呼应,表现出细腻的质感层次,于时尚别致中暗藏迷人细节。The Jingming team adopts French contemporary style in the design of the top and facade of the master bedroom, presenting calm and rational. Echoing with the soft and comfortable bedding, it shows the delicate texture level and hides charming details in the fashion.


休闲角依旧用纯净白为主打色,佐以柔软的绒面沙发与来自窗外的光,勾勒出一幅岁月静好的画。The leisure corner still uses pure white as the main color, with soft suede sofa and light from the window to outline a good picture of years.

等一个清晨阳光暖,春衫薄,煮一壶茶,感受诗酒年华。Wait for a warm morning sun, thin spring shirt, boil a pot of tea, feel poetry and wine years.


↑ 1层平面布局图和原始结构图

↑ 2层平面布局图和原始结构图


This case is a typical penthouse, and the lower floor is a typical layout of living room, dining room and master bedroom. Based on the original layout, the Jingming team combs the space resources according to the actual needs of customers, and creates a small world for two princesses on the second floor, so that they can have their own small world.

居住动线关系的合理有序转换为多空间的关系,营造出自然舒适的四口之家的居住环境。The reasonable and orderly transformation of the relationship between the moving lines of residence into the relationship of multiple spaces creates a natural and comfortable living environment for a family .


People are mediocre, you are the stars of the world; things are ordinary, you are the beauty of the world.


拍“房屋毕业照“的那天,被屋主家的布偶猫实力圈粉,完全不怕生,围绕着摄影师喵喵打转,玩累了,随地找个地打个盹,毫无戒备心。On the day of taking the graduation photo of the house, he was surrounded by the puppet cat of the house owner. He was not afraid of life at all. He circled around the photographer, tired of playing, and took a nap everywhere. He was not alert.

傍晚,孩子们放学回家,家里一派热闹,小公主在和奶奶一起玩游戏,大公主在楼上写作业,厨房飘出阵阵红烧肉的香气,才发现,原来人世间最简单的幸福莫过于:家人闲坐,灯火可亲。In the evening, when the children came home from school, the family was full of excitement. The little princess was playing games with her grandmother, and the big princess was doing her homework upstairs. The smell of braised pork wafted from the kitchen. It turned out that the simplest happiness in the world was: the family was sitting around and the lights were warm.

项目地点丨中国上海· 闵行区Project location

项目面积丨200㎡Project Area

项目小区丨盛源花园Project cell


使用材料丨不锈钢,镜面,大理石瓷砖……Use of materials


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